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Master Control Selected You
This read along adventure will you teach you about the game world of HUM 202, as well as giving you an opportunity to work with your hypersquad. Good luck!

You and your teammates find yourselves in a small, strange room. There are monitors and holographic displays all throughout, and enormous tubes of green chemical bubbling. A mess of cords and hoses run from the tubes to the computer systems.

But most importantly, you find yourself trapped! There seems to be no door and certainly no way out!

Just then one of the walls turns transparent. You can see a hooded android with a glowing visor. The android is escorting a DIVR from another hypersquad. You do not know him, but you recognize him from training. 

One of your teammates whispers, "I thought the vanguards were just rumors... myths. I didn't know they were real."

You stare at the ominous android and worry about all of the scary stories children taunt one another with concerning the elite androids known as vanguards. The vanguard presses its hand to the wall and a honeycomb of orange neon light spreads out. Then the wall seems to disappear.

If you try to escape when the vanguard opens the portal, continue to section 12.

If you decide to wait and question the DIVR from another hypersquad, continue to section 13.