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Science Part 1: Will you Destroy Most of the World?
You are a farmer that has decided to plant crops for the year. The way you plant your crops will affect your wallet or the ecosystem. Will you be filled with greed, or be selfless with the environ

You lazily walk down the old, wooden stairs to your small house. The table and chairs in the room look old, like they were from the last century.

You sigh as you opened the cupboards and they open easily. You remove the box of cereal, and grab a bowl and spoon. You pulled your chair out from the table and pour the cereal into the bowl. The sound of the cereal and the plastic bag passing each other is peaceful.

The bag of milk is still in the fridge, so you put the box back in the cupboard, and grab the milk from the fridge. You pour the milk into the bowl and start to eat your cereal after you sat down.

After you finish, you pack up your plate and are wondering if you start the day with the animals or go get the sunflower seeds.