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YouTube Camp
This adventure is an inside joke for a specific youtube comment section. You probably won't understand this if you aren't from there. Ignore this.
By Abe091

Suzanne's eyes widen in realization as you tell her that you believe Gordon made the poison.

"You're right," says Suzanne, "Remember, Gordon is a chef! He cooks our meals! If there's anyone who would've poisoned Klein, it would be him!"

Gordon steps back.

"No!" says Gordon, "You're wrong! I did nothing! You can't do this to me!"

"We've exposed you, Gordon. Why? Why did you do it?"

Gordon looks down in disappointment.

"You wanna know why I did it? Fine, I'll tell you. My REAL name is BangTheRocksTogether. I'm one of the people who took part in that YouTube argument all those years ago. I killed Klein, and I planned to kill the rest of you too, because I'm too ashamed. I experience cringe every time I think back to those old comments. I don't want anyone to reach them. I can't allow it!"

Gordon pulls out a knife, and lunges at you.