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Hiding From Hitler
You and another women fall in love in the 1940s. The problem is, homosexuality is illegal. So, the two of you must keep your love hidden, lest being found out by a Nazi, or worse - Hitler.

"Well..." you say.

"'Well' what?" Catherine asks, looking up at you. Her pretty blue eyes are filled with concern.

"Mrs. Goldburr, the neighbor, is getting suspicious. Yesterday she asked me why I come here everyday," you say.

"What did you say?" she asks.

"All I said was that we're close friends," you reply. "Nobody seems to have noticed me sneaking out your front door late at night. We should be fine, we just need to be more careful."

Catherine begins to cry. You don't know what else to do, so you kiss her gently on the lips. She seems to calm down immediately. She kisses you fiercely, as if she would never see you again. And, who knows? With how watchful the Nazi's are getting, you two could be separated any day.

The doorbell rings. Catherine goes to open it.


A: follow her and see who's at the door


B: wait for her to come back